Joe Grindstaff

Counseling Intern


Joseph (Joe) Grindstaff is a Intern through Central Methodist University. He also has his Master's in Kinesiology from Avila University and is a Yoga Teacher.

Joe has enjoyed working with teenagers, young adults, and older adults throughout his career with existential, suicide, grief and end of life related issues. He has also helped clients work through stress, anxiety, and LGTBQIA+ related issues. He approaches therapy as a collaboration in the here-and-now to explore incongruent behaviors and enact change. Utilizing his education in physical fitness, Joe is passionate about getting to know the whole person, exploring their health and wellbeing in a complete picture.

When not on the clock, Joe enjoys doting over his baby daughter. He has many varied interests such as philosophy, religion and spirituality. He also enjoys yoga, exercise science, health, wrestling, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. To stimulate his mind he enjoys physics, mathematics, scholarly research, and statistics. He is entertained by memes, board games, and video games.